U.S. durable goods report showed improvement in July 2011

Today, the U.S. Census Bureau published its monthly report on US new durable goods manufactures’ shipments, inventories and orders for July 2011 – the report showed an increase in orders of durable goods and capital goods compared with June’s rate.

This report presents the changes in orders of durable goods in the U.S. in the manufacturing sector in July. It’s a good indicator of the progress of the US economy.

According to the flash report, during July 2011, manufactured durable goods increased by $7.7 billion or 4% to $201.5 billion; Shipments of manufactured durable goods also rose by $5.0 billion or 2.5% to $202.2 billion; Non-defense new orders for capital goods increased by $1.7 billion or 2.4% to $72.7 billion; Inventories of manufactured durable goods increased for nineteen consecutive months – last month they have increased $2.9 billion or 0.8% to $361.0 billion.

During June all these figures have declined.

Some speculate that this report may have driven the stock markets up during the trading day and curbed some of the rumors that there will be a quantitative easing plan. I still think it’s not over and Bernanke might surprise n his upcoming speech.


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