Recommended posts for the weekend – August 14

The high volatility in the financial markets during last week has subsided by the end of the week after the stir up caused by the rating change by S&P of US’s credit rating. Before we enter a new week with new changes, here are several recommended posts regarding the forex and commodities markets of August 14th:

In Forexcrunch, Yohay asks whether the Federal Reserve is examining a reversal on the two quantitative easing plans it made in recent years. Forexcrunch also examines the fear factor in affecting the Euro to US dollar exchange rate mainly during last week’s high volatility.

Michael Greenberg shows that the total retail forex deposits declined by $9 million;

Larry Greenberg compares the performance of U.S. Economy under Democratic and Republican Presidencies;

FX Empire provides an analysis of the crude oil market for the week of August 15th, 2011;

Post Carbon asks whether the technological progress will curb the rise in crude oil prices;

And finally, on Israel Business Review, I review the taxes in Israel and the calls for making a change in them.


Here are additional long term articles on Trading NRG regarding major commodities:


Have a great weekend!!