Recommended posts for the weekend – August 28

Bernanke’s speech in Jackson Hole didn’t bring any major stir up in the financial markets, but there is still high uncertainty in the markets in regards to the future economic progress in the US and Europe. Hurricane Irene that hit the east coast might affect the financial markets if there will be substantial damage to the infrastructure in the major cities including New York. Before we enter a new busy week, here are several recommended posts regarding the forex and commodities markets of August 28th:

In Forexcrunch, Yohay analyzes Bernanke’s dilemma in regards to the effectiveness of another quantitative easing program. In Forexcrunch there is also a report of the recent speech given by Bernanke in Jackson Hole and the changes in the Euro/USD exchange rate following the news from there.

In BO Crunch Doron explains where Binary options are being used in the financial markets;

Larry Greenberg takes us back to the day the music stopped – January 14th, 2000 the day to remember in the financial history of US economy;

John Daly talks about China and the record high rare earths prices that promote illegal mining;

Al Fin considers that the Obama energy conservation policies are actually further destroying Jobs;

Gail Tverberg thinks that gold price might not prove to be such a safe haven in the near future;

And finally, on Israel Business Review, I review the recent flash report of the second quarter Israeli GDP that rose by 3.3% in annual terms.

Here are additional long term articles on Trading NRG regarding major commodities:



Have a great week!!