Recommended posts for the weekend – July 23

The week ended with moderate rises for gold and silver prices despite their falls during most of the week. During the week the French and Germans came up with a plan vis-à-vis the Greek debt crisis; US existing home sales slightly dropped; on the other hand, US housing starts inclined in June; US treasuries holding by foreign countries such as China and Japan inclined in May.   

 Here are several recommended posts regarding the forex and commodities markets of July 23rd:

 In Forexcrunch, Yohay reviews the recent agreement reached between Germany and France over the Greek bailout and the effect it may have on the financial market including the EURO/USD exchange rate; He also provides a solution for the Euro-zone in a form of quantitative easing.

 Macro Man analyzes the current debt crisis in a way only he can;

Michael Greenberg provides a detailed analysis for the second quarter of 2011 of the forex market;

 John Daly describes the territorial disputes in China that is one of the adverse effects of China’s growing economy;

 Taras Berezowsky examines the natural gas market and asks how long natural gas prices will continue to rise;

 And finally, on Israel Business Review, there is a report of an additional natural gas hoard found in Israel.

 Here are additional long term articles on Trading NRG regarding major commodities for the month of July 2011:

Have a great weekend!!