The month of June is behind us and we are upon a new month with same concerns including the Greek debt, among others. Here are several recommended posts regarding the forex and commodities markets of July 2nd:
In Forexcrunch, Yohay analyzes the five most predictable currency pairs; the Euros to USD exchange rate aren’t among them as the Greek debt crisis made it very hard to predict;
Larry Greenberg summaries the month of June and the second quarter of 2011 including forex, commodities, T-Bills and major equities;
Keith Schaefer talks about the beginning of the new golden age in the natural gas market in the U.S.;
Ferdinand Banks examines the recent drop in the crude oil prices and tries to explain it;
Ronald Bailey was interviewed by Reason Magazine on the topic of the truth about Fracking and tries to deal with the rumors surrounding Fracking;
And finally, on Israel Business Review, I discuss the drop in Israel’s unemployment rate during the month of April 2011.
Here are additional long term articles on Trading NRG regarding major commodities:
- Gold and silver prices outlook for June 2011
- Oil prices Monthly outlook –June 2011
- Natural gas prices outlook for June 2011
Have a great weekend!!