Recommended posts for the weekend – September 17

The week has ended with many shifts and turns not only in the commodities markets, but also in the forex markets as well. The decision of ECB along with the Federal Reserve to offer loans to struggling European banks in order to keep their liquidity helped ease the speculation around the financial stability of European banking system; on the other hand, the Philly Fed index was negative in August and didn’t reflect well on the progress of the US economy. Before we enter a new week, here are several recommended posts regarding the forex and commodities markets for September 17th:

In Forexcrunch, Yohay asks whether the recent US dollar liquidity program of the major central banks is a move towards a preparation of a Greek debt default; there is also an interesting post for forex traders as to when to take a break form currency trading;

In Forex NRG I present the weekly recap of the changes in the Euro/USD;

Larry Greenberg explains why he thinks the Yen is strong against major currencies including the US dollar;

Kathy Lien shows what central banks are expected to do vis-à-vis rates decisions in 2011 and 2012;

Charles Kennedy takes a look at the growing market of bio-fuel as its sources are inclining in the US;

Post Carbon examines the recent changes in the oil market and the unsustainable growth in the demand for crude oil;

In BO Crunch there is weekly setup for binary option traders for the week of September 19 to 23 2011;

And finally, on Israel Business Review, I review the changes in the Israeli forex reserves during August 2011.  

Here are additional long term articles on Trading NRG regarding major commodities:


Have a great week!!