Natural gas prices continue to be on the news with major fluctuations for the past couple of day, mainly the Natural gas spot price (New York City Gate Spot).
The storm that attacked the Northeast of the U.S. subsided yesterday. As a result, the Natural gas spot price (New York City Gate Spot) after hiking by a whopping 41% and reaching 10.2 $/MMBTU a 3 $/MMBTU rise a couple of days ago, yesterday, it fell by 27% and reached 7.4 $/MMBTU, a 2.8 $/MMBTU. This recent decline nearly erases the entire price hike.
Silver prices continue to show strength as Silver future prices passed yesterday the 30 USD mark and settled on 30.32 USD/ t. oz., a 3.65% increase.
Silver prices showed a very moderate change for the past couple of weeks, but rose by a total of 6% from the beginning of the month until yesterday.
Current Gold prices, much like Silver prices, also increased yesterday however a bit more moderately as it rose by 1.64%, and passed the 1,400 USD mark and settled on 1,405 USD/t. oz.
The last time Gold prices reached this 1,400 USD mark was a couple of weeks ago, on December 14th.
In regards to the rest of the energy prices i.e. Crude oil price, it also showed inclinations, as major petroleum oil price moderately increased yesterday by roughly half percent.
Later on today the EIA (Energy information Administration) will publish later on today its weekly report about crude oil stocks and consumption in the passing week. To see my review on last week’s review about the EIA on crude oil stocks click here.
A summary of yesterday’s Prices Changes:
The following table presents the main descriptive data from last business day – December 28th, for precious metals, energy commodities and exchange rates. The table includes: settled prices, daily percent change, and quantitative change in US dollars (except for USD/CAD, in which the change is in Canadian dollars):
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