There is a report in Asiaone News that in Brega – Libya’s oil port there is no more crude oil stocks, due to the national turmoil in the county. On a related news, there are reports that OPEC has risen its oil…
Tag: crude oil stocks
Crude oil stocks review – January 6
Here is a weekly review on crude oil stocks for the last week of the year 2010: Crude oil Stocks of the passing week: According to the recent EIA report, crude oil stocks continue to fall as the winter progresses…
Crude oil price falls below 90$ | review of oil stocks – Dec 29
Crude oil price declined today for the second day, this time, however, by a larger decline of over 2.2% for the WTI spot price. This drop is speculated to be because of the recent EIA report about Crude oil stocks…
The season of Gasoline prices & Crude oil stocks update –Dec 23
The Seasonality of Gasoline Prices revised According to the recent EIA report, they analyze the retail gasoline prices in the U.S. and they show that for the last several years there was a consistent trend, in which retail gasoline prices…