Tag: Greece debt crisis

Drilling Down the Deals: AGreekment and Iran – #59

We had two highly important deals: on Greece and on Iran, and both have significant market implications. After digesting the deals and their impact down the road, we preview the events of the next two weeks. You are welcome to listen, subscribe…

Greferendum Preview, NFP Review and More – MM#57

Greece tops the headlines and for good reasons. The reverberations go well beyond the debt stricken country. And from one such country to the other, we move to Puerto Rico and make the necessary comparisons. We then cover the NFP and…

Financial Market Preview for June 22-26

The recent FOMC meeting and the ongoing saga around the Greek debt crisis, have kept pushing down the U.S. dollar against leading currencies and brought slightly up precious metals prices. These issues will continue to lead to news cycle and…