The prices of natural gas prices tumbled down during yesterday following the recent EIA report, in which the natural gas storage buildup was 111 Bcf. This news is likely to further pressure down the prices of natural gas as it…
Natural gas future price (short term delivery) continued to rally during last week. Based on the recent EIA natural gas storage report, the natural gas storage fell again while the average five years expanded: The NG storage withdrawal was 95…
Natural gas (short term delivery) rose again during last week. Based on the recent natural gas storage report, the natural gas storage shrunk by a faster rate than the average five years did. Based on the latest EIA report, the…
Natural gas (short term delivery) changed direction and after it had increased in recent weeks, the price of natural gas tumbled down during last week as the weather became warmer in parts of the U.S. According to the recent EIA…
The prices of natural gas prices rose again during last week but in recent days they have tumbled down. According to the recent EIA report the natural gas storage rose by 4 Bcf; this change (in the past couple of…
Natural gas (short term delivery) started off the week rising but by the end of the week it changed direction and tumbled down precipitately. The NG storage expanded again by a slower pace than last year and than the five…
The prices of natural gas prices changed directions several times during the week, but they are slightly higher than last week. The upcoming Northeast storm raises the potential effect it could have on the gas pipelines. According to the recent…
The prices of natural gas prices changed direction and rallied during most of the week; the publication of the recent EIA natural gas report didn’t seem to curb the decline in prices. The total NG demand bounced back mainly due…
Natural gas (short term delivery) and spot price continued their upward trend and rose throughout the week. Following these changes the difference between future and spot expanded and continued to be in Contango throughout the week. The NG storage rose…
Natural gas price (short term delivery) resumed its rally during most of last week, while the spot price declined. Following these shifts the difference between future and spot was mostly in Contango during the week. The NG storage rose again…