Tag: US new homes sales

U.S. New Home Sales Rose again in May 2013

The U.S. Census Bureau reported (opens pdf) today on the changes in number of new homes sold in the U.S during May 2013: the number of new homes sales increased compared with the number of new homes sold during April…

U.S. New Home Sales Rose in March 2013

The U.S. Census Bureau reported (opens pdf) today on the developments in number of new homes sold in the U.S during March 2013: the number of new homes sales declined compared with the number of new homes sold during February…

U.S. New Home Sales Declined in December 2012

The U.S. Census Bureau reported (opens pdf) on the changes in number of new homes sold in the U.S during December 2012: the number of new homes sales declined compared with the number of new homes sold during November 2012.…

U.S. New Home Sales Rose in November 2012

Yesterday, the U.S. Census Bureau reported (opens pdf) on the developments in number of new homes sold in the U.S during November 2012: the number of new homes sales rose compared with the number of new homes sold during October…

U.S. New Home Sales Edged Down in October 2012

Today, the U.S. Census Bureau reported (opens pdf) on the changes in number of new homes sold in the U.S during October 2012: the number of new homes sales edged down compared with the number of new homes sold during September…

U.S. New Home Sales Declined in August 2012

Yesterday, the U.S. Census Bureau reported on the shifts in number of new homes sold in the U.S during August 2012: the number of new homes sales edged down compared with the number of new homes sold during July 2012.…

U.S. New Home Sales Rose in July 2012

Yesterday, the U.S. Census Bureau reported the change in number of new homes sold in the U.S during July 2012: the number of new homes sales decreased compared with the number of new homes sold during June 2012. According to…

U.S New Homes Sales Declined in June 2012

Today, the U.S. Census Bureau reported the change in number of new homes sold in the U.S during June 2012: the number of new homes sales decreased compared with the number of new homes sold during May 2012. According to…

U.S. New Home Sales Rose in April 2012

Today, the U.S. Census Bureau reported on the number of new homes sold in the U.S during April 2012: new homes sales rose compared with the number of homes sold during March 2012. According to the recent update, during April…