Category: Crude Oil

Crude Is Cornered, But Where Is CAD? — MM #149

oil fall barrel

Oil prices are falling and OPEC is worried. What’s the story? We reveal some interesting details. And with the fall of oil, why is the Canadian dollar so strong? We discuss crude and CAD before previewing the last week of June.…

Poking Holes in the FOMC and OPEC — MM #146

What is the Fed trying to tell us? Markets are anticipating the Fed decision in June and might be caught wrong-footed. OPEC made its decision and we had a “sell the fact” reaction. But there’s much more inside. We top it off…

Oil Upside and Euro Underperformance — MM #134

It’s crunch-time for oil after the OPEC accord and we crunch the data to see some upside. We then move to something more depressing: European elections which are already depressing the euro.  You are welcome to listen, subscribe, provide feedback…

From The Crude Cut To Draghi’s Drag — MM #126

In this week’s episode, we look back at the OPEC deal that defied skeptics as well as look forward towards the ECB: it’s money time for Draghi. You are welcome to listen, subscribe, provide feedback and pledge support on Patreon. OPEC…

Eyeing OPEC – Critical Crude — MM #125

Oil prices are left, front and center, with a roller-coaster of rumors and a wider impact on markets: the US dollar, other commodities and also stocks eye Vienna. You are welcome to listen, subscribe, provide feedback and pledge support on Patreon.…

Not All Financial Assets Are Trump-ed Equally — MM #124

Financial markets are certainly moving in the near-fortnight after Trump shocked markets with his ascent to the presidency.  You are welcome to listen, subscribe, provide feedback and pledge support on Patreon. Currencies: We focus on the three major currency pairs: EUR/USD, GBP/USD…